Xmas Sale | Free Ship Over $70


Common questions and answers:

Delivery time
    Standard Shipping: 7 - 14 Business Days Processing:1-3 Business Days (for us to prepare the package) Please note that the processing time is not included in the shipping time. The total time it will take to receive your order is the processing time plus the shipping time.
Payment method
    PayPal is welcomed here. If you don't have a PayPal account, pls select 'PayPal' and click the 'Pay with Debit or CreditCard' button, then Pay CreditCard through PayPal.
Why have I not received the product?
    Generally you can receive your product within 10-15 days. Because the USPS warehouse has received a lot of goods recently, the delivery time has been delayed. We suggest you call USPS to urge them to deliver your products. If these methods don't help you solve the problem, please contact us again and we will provide you with a solution. Email: Support@topsbear.com FB: @topsbear
What should I do if I received the wrong product?
    Please contact us by email in time, and describe the correct product features clearly, and we will make corresponding adjustments for you in time.
    Email: Support@topsbear.com   FB: @topsbear
I want to cancel my order?
    If you want to cancel your order, please send us your order number so that we can check the status of your order.
    1.If your order has not been shipped
    We can cancel the order for you immediately, and you will receive the corresponding cancellation email notification.
    2.If your order has been shipped
    You can contact customer service to obtain the return address after receiving the product. (Please note: the fee of the return must be pay by the buyer.) We will refund you 3 days after receiving the returned product. You will also receive a refund email from topsbear. If you have any questions during this period, please contact our customer service.
    Email: Support@topsbear.com   FB: @topsbear